To provide a platform for members to promote their business and do networking with each other and guest attendees, NAIA holds regular monthly business meetings open to both members and non members. Topics include investment, tax matters, wine tasting, tourism hot spots, buying diamond, etc.

Charity Fundraising
NAIA helps to raise funds for a lot of charity purposes, such as BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, Cancer Society, Sichuan Earthquake Relief Funds, Taiwan Morak Typhoon Relief fund...

To expand trade and investment areas
Internationally, NAIA will expand its vision of two-way trade and investment activities from China to other Asian countries, and from Canada to North America, Central America and South America.

Economic and trade exchange
In November 2009, Amy Huang led a very successful China Trade Mission to visit Beijing, Tianjin, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Shanwei, Jieyang, Chaozhou...

Cultural exchange
In 2008, Amy as Executive Chair successfully organized a large variety show called “Welcome Beijing Olympics 2008” in January, and co-organized other variety shows, such as “Our Dream-Beijing 2008” in July, and “Our Chinese Heart” in November.

To provide policy inputs to governments
Ms. Amy Huang was often invited by Federal and BC Provincial Governments to attend round table conferences, to provide inputs to Federal Government and BC Provincial Government in their policy and strategy making process...