Economic and trade exchange

In November 2009, AmyHuang led a very successful China Trade Mission to visit 10 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Shanwei, Jieyang, Chaozhou, Heyuan and Zengcheng. This trade mission resulted in three successful Canadian exports to China, i.e., environmental technologies, BC furniture lumber and dimension lumber. In November 2011, one of our members successfully signed an investment agreement with a Chinese company in Beijing in the presence of BC Premier Christy Clark.

In 2012. NAIAhelped the visiting China Cruise TV Channels Delegation meet key players of Canadian tourism industry, so they can promote the scenic and cultural attractions of Canada through their unique cable channels.

In June 2013. NAIA presented some investment opportunities, such as wineries, hot spring resort, etc. to the visiting Hebei SME Investment & Financing Promotion Associationin the project exchange conferences. In October 2013, NAIA led a trade delegation to visit Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Jiangmen and attended the "18th Macau International Trade & Investment Fair" and "The 10th World Summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs". These are very good platforms to seek business opportunities in Asia Pacific and Portuguese-speaking countries for Canadian companies.